Summer Semester 2018
Introduction to Deep Learning
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (2 h) (6 ECTS)
Computer Vision II: Multiple View Geometry
Lecture (4 h) and Exercise (2 h) (8 ECTS)
Convex Optimization for Machine Learning and Computer Vision
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (2 h) (6 ECTS)
Machine Learning for Computer Vision
Lecture (2 h) and Exercise (2 h) (5 ECTS)
Practical Courses
Hands-on Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Biomedicine
(10 ECTS)
GPU Programming in Computer Vision (IN2106, IN4102)
(6h / 10 ECTS)
Vision-based Navigation
(6h / 10 ECTS)
Recent Advances in 3D Computer Vision
(2h / 4 ECTS)
(2h / 4 ECTS)